Student Advocacy


What kids face

Bureaucratic school districts often lack flexibility and can fail to give students a voice. As a result, many fall behind grade level due to learning disabilities. They struggle with emotional and social distractions, along with the inability to access support that fits their needs. Finally, standardized teaching models may not suit them and result in poor performance.

What ADVOC8 does for students and families

We make parents aware of the rights of their children and we fight for them — guiding you to the support program that matches your child’s needs.



  • Help families understand the RTI process and how it impacts the IEP process

  • Help families understand the language of special education

  • Provide meeting preparation with student and family

  • Review IEP/504 plans

  • Attend IEP meetings (Domains, initial, annual reviews, three-year evaluations)

  • Observe student in the home and school

  • Provide program placement assistance

  • Review educational records

  • Assist with IEP goals and objectives

  • Help develop accommodations and modifications

  • Communicate with family, school team, and outside professionals

  • Guide the creation of transition plans

The Process

Let’s get started

After I have received your initial overview we will set up a time to meet. We will schedule a free consultation at that time to discuss the following: your child’s current education plan, health and developmental history, a typical day in the life of your child in and outside of school, and struggles or challenges that you or your child may be facing. We will discuss fees, a release of information, and authorization of an agreement.

Evaluating your student

To help your student achieve their full potential, I will conduct an extensive review of your child's educational records, private evaluations, and educational assessments. If more information is needed, I may reach out to current teachers and case managers (you will be made aware of this communication ahead of time.) Your child's educational success depends greatly upon the IEP and 504 plan and blueprint mapped out to ensure they're getting the help they need. My goal is to ensure these plans are implemented and followed.

Action plan

My goal is to create a partnership between the family and the school, putting the child's best interest first. Navigating state and federal laws, as a parent, can be overwhelming. I will help you become familiar with Special Education regulations and terminology to understand your rights as the parent of a child with special needs. We will discuss the purpose of all of the IEP steps and prepare all of the members for upcoming meetings. Meeting with school officials can be emotional and intimidating. As your Advocate, I will be by your side offering support, guidance, and direction by attending meetings with your local school district. Again, we are creating a partnership with the school so everyone should be comfortable and fully engaged in the process.

Free consultation to evaluate your student